
Elementary Statistics

MTH-161D | Spring 2025 | University of Portland

January 22, 2025



Basic Parts of R Studio

Basic Parts of R Studio

R Studio Working Directory

Where does your saved files automatically go?

The Working Directory

The Working Directory

RMarkdown, an Introduction

What is RMarkdown?

RMarkdown for Reproducibility

Why use RMarkdown?

RMarkdown in R Studio

What does RMarkdown look like in R Studio?

RMarkdown Viewed in R Studio

RMarkdown Viewed in R Studio

Basic Parts of RMarkdown (1/2)

RMarkdown Basic Parts 1, 2, & 3

RMarkdown Basic Parts 1, 2, & 3

  1. The YAML header: It is placed at the very beginning of the file with start and end syntax “---”. This header is required and the information that it contains can affect the entire output.
  2. Levels of Headers: It provides titles to sections.
  3. Basic Paragraph: Normal text that you can write where a new line means new paragraph.

Basic Parts of RMarkdown (2/2)

RMarkdown Basic Parts 4 & 5

RMarkdown Basic Parts 4 & 5

  1. Code Chunks: The heart of RMarkdown, where you can run codes and present it and its output clearly with the rest of the document. The start and end syntax is “```”.
  2. Blocked Paragraph: A special paragraph that allows customization, such as changing the text color of its output.

Code Chunks in RMarkdown

Creating an R Code Chunk

Creating an R Code Chunk

Running Code Chunks

Running Code Chunks

Running R on RMarkdown vs Knitting

\(\star\) Understanding this difference is key for fixing majority of errors and undesired outputs.

Transferable Skills

Why learn any of these things?


  1. Informed decision making
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Understanding research
  4. Critical assessment of reports in research and media
  5. Problem-solving


  1. Logical reasoning
  2. Automating repetitive tasks
  3. Programming is an in-demand skill in both industry and academia
  4. Learning R is a gateway for more advanced programming languages
  5. Learning how to code is a versatile skill and opens up opportunities

Expectations on Assignment Deliverables


In-class activities and worksheets must be submitted either physically or through Moodle. Depending on the lesson, submission format will be in physical form, .pdf, .Rmd, or .html.


All homework assignments are in RMarkdown and both .Rmd and .html files must be submitted through Moodle.


Assessments are “quizzes” that will be conducted in class, and must be submitted physically.

\(\star\) Your created R Studio space named Calculator [first name] [first letter of last name] in Posit Cloud will be used as a calculator for assessments and some worksheets. Homework assignments will have a special R Studio space.

Tips for Success

How can I be successful in this class?



\(\star\) Help hours –walk-in and by appointment– exists!

Activity: Modify a RMarkdown document

  1. Log-in to Posit Cloud and open the R Studio assignment W 1/22 - Modify a RMarkdown Document.
  2. Make sure you are in the current working directory. Rename the .Rmd file by replacing [name] with your name using the format [First name][Last initial]. Then, open the .Rmd file.
  3. Change the author in the YAML header.
  4. Read the provided instructions.
  5. Answer all exercise problems on the designated sections.


Diez, D. M., Barr, C. D., & Çetinkaya-Rundel, M. (2012). OpenIntro statistics (4th ed.). OpenIntro. https://www.openintro.org/book/os/