Fundamentals of Data Science

MTH-391A Fundamentals of Data Science | Spring 2025 | University of Portland

January 13, 2025


Course Information

About the Instructor

Dr. Alex John Quijano

Modes of Communication


We will be using Teams as the main real-time communication tool for general announcements, question-answering discussions, and direct messages.

The Teams for this course is MTH-391A-sp25.

Class Website

The syllabus, tentative topics schedule, and other information are posted on the course website.

You can access the course website at mth-391a-sp25.

Note that the course website can be accessed in Teams.

Structure and Expectations

Class Structure

Assignment Expectations


Mini-Assignments: Wednesday and Friday (due in class)

The purpose of the mini-assignments is for in-class group work and activities.

Project Phases: Every Monday (due next Monday)

The purpose of the project phases is to break the semester-long project into smaller tasks, allowing for incremental progress toward its completion.

Submission Guidelines


We will be using the course Moodle page for submitting assignments and giving feedback.

The Moodle for this course is MTH-391A - sp25 - Fundamentals of Data Science. You are already listed in Moodle for this course using your UP account.



This course uses the following textbooks - which are free to access - for reading and practice.

Note that the textbook can be accessed in Teams.


R and Python

We will be using R and Python, as a computational tools, for some assignments. These tools are free and open-source.

We will use the Posit Cloud service, an online computing environment.

We will discuss more about these tools next time.

Academic Support

Help Hours

Dr. Alex John Quijano

My walk-in help hours start week 2.

Math Resource Center

The Math Resource Center offiers walk-in tutoring and appointment-based tutoring.

Activity: Introductions

  1. On a piece of paper:

    • Write your name, year, and major.
    • Explain:
      • your background experience in computer programming.
      • your anxieties and fears about computer programming.
      • your hobbies.
    • Write an encouraging message to yourself six weeks from now.
  2. Share what you wrote ot the class.

  3. Submit your work.