See Books & Online Resources Lists for the readings & practice materials.
The reading materials are not mandatory but it is encouraged.
The “Reading” column in the table below contains page numbers
(Pg.) or chapters (ch.) on which it refers to a label in the Books &
Online Resources List. For example “Pg. 1-5 [H]” refers to pages 1-5 of
the first item in the list, which is the textbook titled “Ordinary
Differential Equations: A Primer on Dynamics and Systems”.
Week | Day | Topic | Worksheet | Homework | Reading |
1 | Tu 1/16 | Cancelled | - | - | - |
Th 1/18 | Introduction and Orientation to
ODEs (Temporarily Asynchronous) |
Algebra and Calculus Review | - | Syllabus | |
2 | Tu 1/23 | Modeling Physical Systems, Classification of Equations, & Principles of Solutions |
Classifying ODEs and Verifying Solutions | - | Ch. 1.1 [T], Ch. 1.1 [H], & Ch. 1.2.3 [H] |
Th 1/25 | 1st-Order ODEs, Existence and Uniqueness, & Analyzing Equilibriums of Linear and Non-Linear 1st-Order ODEs |
Qualitative and Graphical Approaches | Assigned: Homework 1 | Ch. 1.2 [T], Ch. 2.1 [T], Ch. 1.3.1 [H], & Ch. 1.4 [H] | |
3 | Tu 1/30 | Nullclines and Isoclines & Euler’s Method for solving 1st-Order ODEs |
Graphical and Numerical Methods | - | Ch. 1.3 [T] & Ch. 3.1 [T] |
Th 2/1 | Separation of Variables & Integrating Factors for Solving 1st-Order ODEs |
Analytical Methods | Assigned: Homework 2 | Ch. 2.2 [T], Ch. 2.6 [T], & Ch. 2.1 [H] | |
4 | Tu 2/6 | Laplace Transforms for Solving 1st-Order ODEs | Laplace Transforms for 1st-Order ODEs | - | Ch. 8.1 [T], Ch. 8.2 [T], & Ch. 5.1 [H] |
Th 2/8 | Bifurcations in One Dimension | Bifurcations and Applications | - | TBA | |
5 | Tu 2/13 | Review | Exam 1 Examples | - | Exam 1 Topics |
Th 2/15 | Exam 1 | - | - | - | |
6 | Tu 2/20 | Systems of 1st-Order ODEs & Modeling Physical Processes |
Interpreting 1st-Order System of ODEs | - | TBA |
Th 2/22 | Cancelled | - | Assigned: Homework 3 | - | |
7 | Tu 2/27 | Analyzing Equilibriums to 1st-Order Linear and Non-Linear Systems | Equilibriums of 1st-Order System of ODEs | - | TBA |
Th 2/29 | Linear Transformations & Stability Analysis of 1st-Order Linear Systems |
Linearization and Stability Analysis | Assigned: Homework 4 | TBA | |
8 | Tu 3/5 | Spring Vacation | - | - | - |
Th 3/7 | Spring Vacation | - | - | - | |
9 | Tu 3/12 | Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for solving 1st-Order Linear Systems | Analytical Methods for 1st-Order System of ODEs | - | TBA |
Th 3/14 | Complex Solutions of 1st-Order Linear Systems | Repeated Eigenvalues and Complex Exponentials | - | TBA | |
10 | Tu 3/19 | Review | Exam 2 Examples | - | Exam 2 Topics |
Th 3/21 | Exam 2 | - | - | - | |
11 | Tu 3/26 | Higher Order ODEs & Modeling Physical Processes |
Particular Solutions | - | TBA |
Th 3/28 | Analyzing Linear and Non-Linear 2nd-Order ODEs | Substitution and Non-Dimensionalization | Assigned: Homework 5 | TBA | |
12 | Tu 4/2 | Undetermined Coefficients for Solving Linear 2nd-Order ODEs | Determining the Undetermined | - | TBA |
Th 4/4 | Variation of Parameters for Solving Linear 2nd-Order ODEs | Varying the Parameters | Assigned: Homework 6 | TBA | |
13 | Tu 4/9 | Founder’s Day (No Class) | - | - | - |
Th 4/11 | Laplace Transforms for Solving Linear 2nd-Order ODEs | Transforming Derivatives à la Laplace | - | TBA | |
14 | Tu 4/16 | Review | Exam 3 Examples | - | Exam 3 Topics |
Th 4/18 | Exam 3 | - | - | - | |
15 | Tu 4/23 | Bifurcations in Two Dimensions | Bifurcation Analysis | - | TBA |
Th 4/25 | Analyzing the Lorenz System | Dynamics and Chaos Theory | - | TBA | |
16 | Tu 4/30 | Final Exam Section B | - | - | - |
Th 5/2 | Final Exam Section C | - | - | - |
Along with textbooks [H] and [T], and websites [C] and [P], most of the course materials (contents of worksheets and homework) of each topic was taken from these following sources:
Click on the link to access the resources.
[H] Hallstrom C (2018). Ordinary Differential Equations: A Primer on, Dynamics and Systems. online. Version 2.3. [pdf]
[T] Trench WF (2013). Elementary Differential Equations. Faculty Authored, and Edited Books & CDs. 8. [pdf]
[C] Clontz S (2022). “Differential Equations - Checkit.”,
[P] Dawkins P (2023). “Paul’s Online Notes on Differential Equations.”,